Introduction to Kintsugi Voice Stack

Harness the power of Kintsugi’s AI to boost behavioral health outcomes

At Kintsugi, our mission is to ensure everyone in need has access to quality mental healthcare.

Kintsugi Voice (KV) is a clinically validated decision support tool that leverages the power of AI and voice signals to detect signs of depression. Our API first tool embeds into existing clinical workflows and produces detection of symptoms in real-time, helping to identify, triage, and treat mental health conditions.

Check out our different product modules to better understand and inspire how you might integrate KV into your own workflows.


Obtain mental health screening results upfront

As patients check-in, collect consent and 60 second voice samples for voice analysis and results ahead of visits.

KV confirms consent and predicts a depression score, streamlining patient and clinician experiences.

Integration is flexible. Voice analysis can be done in batch file transfers with minimal integration, if preferred.


Embed Kintsugi Voice into existing workflows to aid clinicians with identification

As clinicians interact with patients, our telehealth module prompts clinicians to obtain consent and analyze voice for depression predictions.

API first, KV can be integrated into existing workflows with minimal manual intervention.

KV runs passively in encounters and returns predictions during the call or telehealth session.


Help clinicians validate Kintsugi Voice results within existing workflows

This module provides depression results, with a prompt for clinicians to validate and formally evaluate at-risk patients in-visit.

Validate results against standardized measures, like the PHQ2, as demonstrated.

This space can be customized to your needs; for instance, it can be used to collect other data such as demographics or incorporate other validation questions.


Leverage standardized dashboard reporting within existing workflows

Maintain and record KV screening results in your EHR system, just as you do other physical health data.

Track patient improvement with reporting dashboards.

Create opportunities for data-driven mental health treatment planning.


Help back office track population and capture more value

Record and aggregate KV population results in your EHR to capture more value.

KV identifies patients for diagnosis, treatment, and subsequent risk adjustment.

Aggregate population data to actualize previously unidentified patients for risk adjustment.

Generate reports and metrics to help billing capture additional value for your team.


Want to see the full picture?

Picture your own EHR or CRM tools and imagine how we can seamlessly embed into your workflows to transform behavioral health and business outcomes together. Check out our enterprise demo to see Kintsugi Voice in action.


Want more? We’re here to ensure successful integration and adoption.

As you think about next steps, rest assured that our best-in-class Product team will work directly with you to set your team up for success:

1. Technical assessment: we will hold a call to better understand your workflows and provide recommendations for where we can be best integrate
2. Implementation plan: We will design documentation and support you through any technical or workflow constraints
3. User training: We will provide robust training to ensure successful adoption for your technical and clinician teams.
4. Go-live!
5. Ongoing support: We will actively monitor integrations and are always available to troubleshoot any technical issues, should they arise.

We're always happy to talk.

Reach our Product Team directly or provide product feedback.
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