We’re filling the gaps in mental healthcare.
Kintsugi is the art of repairing fractures in ceramics with gold. What once was broken becomes stronger and more beautiful. We bring this philosophy to strengthening mental wellness infrastructures. So instead of falling through the cracks, more people can embrace their flaws and find beauty in their growth.

Kintsugi was built from a solid foundation.
A software engineer and a machine learning scientist, two ambitious women, shared a common challenge in accessing quality mental health services through their healthcare providers. They decided to put their strengths together to create something that could improve their lives, the lives of their families, and the lives of billions around the world.
In October of 2019, Kintsugi was awarded a Phase I grant for developing new AI technology by the National Science Foundation. Since then, the Bay Area team has received a number of accolades and distinctions for their AI technology, Kintsugi Voice, which detects signs of clinical depression and anxiety from short clips of free-form speech.
Kintsugi is made up of passionate individuals united by a desire to improve access to mental healthcare. We hope to embody the change we create by being generously loving to ourselves, those we love, and those who need love.